No, i havent fell off the planet.......LOL. Ive been super busy trying to get my house in order. Ive ordered new furniture and it'll be here next week, so im trying to get the living room all ready for it. Ive painted over the pink :-O I know , surprise, that just doesnt sound like me. Well as much as i love da pink, it was just too intense on the walls........Slipcovers for the DR arent ready just yet, so here's a few pics of the new LR color , I will share more of this room after the new furniture arrives....
Til next time friends........Joining Marty for "Tabletop Tuesday".
As u all know, im busy re-doing the dining room. Ive finished the table and chairs, bought the benches , however the slipcovers for them arent quite finished. Penny came by today to do some measuring , and dropped off my new window treatment. U can see my dilema with the window here and get a glimpse of the table here. Im really happy with the way its all coming together so far. Penny really rocked this ballon shade though......
I know, thats probably overkill on the pics, but i was just tickled pink and giddy with the outcome........slipcovers coming soon!
Here's a few more things ive found this week, which i simply fell in love with. .....I wonder what this young girl is thinking when this photo was shot.......................
I couldnt resist the old frame or the pink velvet matting........And isnt this little guy adorable, I dont know much about either piece, except theyre both old and oh dont they long to tell a story!
Ule being seeing them in their "forever" homes really soon........Have a wonderful day everyone......
In my travels i sometimes come accross a few things that i simply have to have. My dear bloggie buddy Vanna over at "Delusions of Grandeur" hosts her flea market finds, some wonderful things , i might add. Inspired by her i thought ide show u all a few things that i bought this week.........First thing being these 3 beautiful tapestries. I have a feeling that 2 of them will end up in the dining room............
The colors in this one are so striking, i think it'll be going into the patriotic guest room(another work in progress, lol).......The other 2 which are a romantic "garden scene" will be turned into pillows?....that i can move around when i get bored, each one measures about 76" by 36", big huh!
Mr. Aubusson aint got nuthin on "The Hopeless Romantic"......he he. Well enuff playin around , i gotta get back to work, I just finished painting the dining room table and im working on distressing it.......
Im very pleased with the way its coming along thus far...u can see the matching chair transformation here. Its so hot out, but gotta get back to dont forget if ur working outside drink plenty of water, and dont forget its AlWAYS cooler on the tile.....LOL