Saturday, January 28, 2012

Messin around .........again

I origionally moved "Elizabeth" to this corner to make room for the Christmas tree..Today, i know, late right, lol, im just gettin around to putting some things back the way they were. I think i wont move her back though, i like here here, i have something else planned for the other side of the buffet......




  1. She looks very regal all dolled up with her pearls. Lovely- xo Diana

  2. Bonnie she told me that she is sick of you moving her... Shes not into being with the boy while they watch sports.....LOL... she is beautiful no matter where she is in your home...


  3. Elizabeth found a new corner where she could look more beautiful and she is indeed!

  4. I agree Elizabeth is very pretty! Vanna

  5. Hello! Thanks for your visit.I love what you did with my header photo.I love that header my friend found it for me.I will have to let her know.
    I should do a post on your pillow if you don't mind.
    I will visit again~Cheers Kim
